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What to do if you find an injured or orphaned animal

If you find an injured or orphaned wild animal and cannot get in touch with a licensed wildlife rehabilitator (see HERE for list),  call the local game warden HERE  or state police. It is important that you remain with the animal until someone responds. You can also call the volunteer Vermont wildlife hotline at 802-578-7168.

Found an orphaned or injured baby wild animal?

How to tell if baby animals are orphaned, injured or perfectly fine—and what to do if they need your help.

What to do if you find a baby bird

What to do if you find a baby mammal

Wildlife Rehabilitation in Vermont

There are approximately 20 licensed wildlife rehabilitators who tend to Vermont’s orphaned, injured, and sick wildlife. If not for the help of these compassionate individuals, many more animals would die. Human activities often leave animals injured or displaced, and wildlife rehabilitators need our help now more than ever.


Rehabbers are volunteers who take on the responsibility of caring for wildlife, and since they receive no financial assistance from the state, they are responsible for funding all of their rehabilitation efforts. POW is proud to support Vermont wildlife rehabilitators by donating items including enclosures, fleece, formula for baby animals, bedding, and other life-saving items. Our ReFURbish campaign collects donated fur coats for rehabbers who use the coats as warm bedding for animals in their care.


If you are a LICENSED VERMONT VOLUNTEER WILDLIFE REHABBER, you may apply for assistance with formula, enclosures, and other rehab needs here.


If you are interested in becoming a wildlife rehabilitator in Vermont, click here to find out how.

Vermont wildlife rehabilitators are in need of the items listed below. Our state’s volunteer wildlife rehabbers incur the entire cost of caring for our state’s orphaned, injured and sick wildlife. From caring for baby bunnies to bobcats, they are Vermont’s true wildlife heroes! 


WISH LIST FOR WILDLIFE (most items can be found at pet supply stores)

o   Clean fleece 

o   Paper towels

o   Good quality cat kibbles & canned food 

o   Carefresh bedding (for opossums, squirrels, rabbits, etc.)

o   Hand feeding formulas like KT Exact; KMR; Esbilac

o   Rodent food for squirrels, rats, mice.

o   Good quality birdseed

o   Cat and dog crates that open from the top as well as the sides 

o   Cottontails always need timothy hay or straw for bedding


Drop off at Dogs Etc Grooming & Day Care 782 S Main St, Stowe, VT 05672 or email us at and we’ll coordinate a pick-up.

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